
The wait is over… Darknet #3 is available for pre-order

I'm fascinated by the secret places that hide in plain sight. The disused London Underground stations. The MI5 HQ, Thames House, in London. The abandoned Cold War tunnels that lurk underneath city streets. If you read Shadow Web (Darknet #2) - previously called #RedTeam Attack - you'll remember when Caleb and his friends ventured into such tunnels underneath the … Continue reading The wait is over… Darknet #3 is available for pre-order

Wellington CBD – getting around

I *love* the city of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. It's compact, and hilly, and very accessible, with gorgeous views almost everywhere. To say nothing of the delicious coffee... Wellington, or Welly as it's affectionately known, has more coffee bars per capita than in New York. And far less people! Much of the … Continue reading Wellington CBD – getting around